Monday, January 31, 2011

IT and Green (Google's Case)

It seems that many of IT companies are going green these days. An internet giant Google, for instance, build up their green initiatives. Google explains that “sustainability is a core value that comes directly from our founders, and believes being green makes business sense”. Google also claims that this goal can be achieved with 1) green operations 2) Green products 3) clean energy investments and 4) building awareness. It can be easily imagined that small efforts such as switching servers to more efficient ones reduces CO2 emission and results in preserving green. However, as for Google, they not only put an emphasis on such small efforts, but they also try to approach to this problem from a different perspective. That is, investing in other innovative companies. According to the statics opened to public, Google has invested more than 100 million dollars in the clean energy section. What is interesting is the fact that these investments have more potentials than just spending money for internal facility management. Not only a new technology could be invented, a new business also might be emerged. This is probably what Google calls “being green makes business sense”.

Almost every company, regardless of which industries they are in, it is nearly a universal consensus to be somewhat eco-friendly as a responsible company. IT industry cannot get away from this. Google showed one of the examples what IT industries can offer to the world.

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