Monday, January 31, 2011

IT and Green (Google's Case)

It seems that many of IT companies are going green these days. An internet giant Google, for instance, build up their green initiatives. Google explains that “sustainability is a core value that comes directly from our founders, and believes being green makes business sense”. Google also claims that this goal can be achieved with 1) green operations 2) Green products 3) clean energy investments and 4) building awareness. It can be easily imagined that small efforts such as switching servers to more efficient ones reduces CO2 emission and results in preserving green. However, as for Google, they not only put an emphasis on such small efforts, but they also try to approach to this problem from a different perspective. That is, investing in other innovative companies. According to the statics opened to public, Google has invested more than 100 million dollars in the clean energy section. What is interesting is the fact that these investments have more potentials than just spending money for internal facility management. Not only a new technology could be invented, a new business also might be emerged. This is probably what Google calls “being green makes business sense”.

Almost every company, regardless of which industries they are in, it is nearly a universal consensus to be somewhat eco-friendly as a responsible company. IT industry cannot get away from this. Google showed one of the examples what IT industries can offer to the world.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Twitter Paradox- How will it make money in 2011?

The popularity of Twitter and its effects on the world are undoubtedly influential, as we've seen with the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. It's a simple way for people to connect to information from people that they want to hear without having to wade through the mire that is the internet to get it. Behind all of it's influence however, is a company that is heavily reliant on investments. The company made $45million in revenue in 2010, and $25million in distribution deals from Google and Microsoft.

Now as it moves into 2011, Twitter will need to find ways to expand profit along with its enormous growth.

As Forrester Research analyst Augie Ray said, "2010 was the year Twitter became a phenomenon, 2011 will be the year that they have to prove they are a business."

Verizon CSR and Environmental Contribution- Hakim Clark

After you have just bought that new smart phone or Ipod that you have always wanted, do you ask yourself whether or not the company that just sold you that item is socially responsible? In today’s society, consumers are blinded by the latest gadgets, and large corporations are blinded by profits. On many occasions, large corporations who uphold high standards of corporate social responsibility, tend to get overlooked in their efforts of making sure that both their stakeholders and shareholders have a positive experience with their corporation’s product or service.

Verizon Communications Inc. is one of the leading telecommunication services in the world. With over 94.1 million customers worldwide, over 194,000 employees, and over 100 billion in revenue annually, Verizon effects tens of millions around the world. With that immense responsibility, Verizon has become one of the leaders in the IT field, in adapting and implementing advanced methods and technologies that provide eco-friendly sustainable products and services.

Verizon was recently awarded a ‘Groundbreaker Award’, from the Clean Economy Network Education Fund, for its innovation and dedication in providing eco-friendly products and services. Through providing advanced wireless technologies and broadband services, “Verizon [aims] to help our company, consumers and communities live greener lives”, said Verizon Senior Vice President, Kathryn Brown.

Not only is Verizon committed to becoming a greener corporation, it's also demonstrating it through the services and products that they provide. They are able to help themselves and other companies reduce their carbon footprint. Verizon provides, “high-definition video conferencing, and [facilitation of] e-commerce and distance learning”. These efforts help to reduce frequent consumer and business travel, thereby, reducing carbon emissions. The telecommunications corporation is also a stand-out leader in providing smart buildings, smart power grids, and smart logistics to positively affect the environment and promote sustainability.

Monday, January 24, 2011

IT and Intellectual Property by Atsushi Nagatsuma

The internet has become something of a necessity. Whether with a mobile phone or a computer, people are somehow always connected to the internet and cannot be free from it. Even though the technology spread and is widely accepted, the morality regarding of which how they use the internet still remains chaotic. For instance, uploading copyrighted works is a big issue. Among video hosting service sites such as YouTube and Veoh, there can be seen millions of videos that were uploaded unlawfully. Another case that is commonly observed is uploading copyrighted data such as software, movies, books, music and TV games on a file hosting service site. With these online services, such materials are easily distributed and downloaded.

It is not just those users of these sites that are to be blamed for. It can be said that the administrators of these sites are also responsible for the copyright infringements. In case of file hosting service sites, they tend to look over such illegal uploads and leave the unlawful contents untouched so that others can download them. By doing so, the companies can acquire a lot of users and gain profits. Yet, it is obvious that this is far from ethical activity of a company. Notwithstanding it is a direct infringement or an indirect infringement, gain by infringing copyrights or intellectual property cannot be justified in any way.

Although it is a commonly observed scene that people are uploading or downloading unlawful data, it is illegal to do so. In addition, there is a social and ethical responsibility for the IT companies to stop such illegal activity. At the same time, it is also required for the companies to take positive action to protect copyrights and intellectual property.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Watch before you Click- David Miller

In the 21st century, its just not medical ethics that catches the eyes of the general public, but also the current ethical issues behind social networking sites. In today’s world, social networking sites are testing that traditional boundary of what is and is not morally just. Social networking sites such as facebook share information about the user over the Internet, where it can be freely accessed by anyone. This is where issues of privacy to the individual arise. From a utilitarian perspective, the online world of social networking has been the scene of “cyberbullying” and online predation. The only problem with this is that we as people have become so dependent on this technology, which allows people to connect with others they might never have met.
            Another key ethical issue that arises from social networking is the accuracy of data and information. With the Internet being a free environment, there are no set rules about who you can be or act as anyone you want to be. Furthermore, this applies more directly to users on facebook, because once again, it is digital, and who is to say that they are who they say they really are? How are we to know that their information on their profiles is accurate? The answer to this question is really hope, and faith. The only way of having a clue if the person is really whom they say they are by looking in to their mutual friends list, and look at pictures, or videos for verification.
            The only advice I would give people who are involved in social networking sites is to make your Facebook or MySpace page and blogs more professional. You never know who can be looking at your page. Employers may use social networking sites to look for potential candidates who have specific qualifications, education, experience, or interests. Redesign your Facebook and MySpace pages and your blog into marketing tools.                       

Cyber Criminals Eye Vulnerabilities in Social Networking and Smart Phones,

In CISCO's annual security report for 2010, released early last week, it was revealed that cyber criminals have begun to switch from PC operating systems, to newer Information Technologies, such as smartphones, and mobile platforms. What cyber criminals are finding now, is that since the newer technology is much less guarded than pc operating systems it is much easier to go after these newer systems and transmit virus or spam programs that seek to mine personal data. This may soon cause ethical dilemas for companies in the information technology market, but it also may provide an opportunity as well.

The reason for this happening now is a combination of things. First off we have the smartphone revolution currently underway, many of these devices were meant to be as simple as possible so that people could access small amounts of data quickly on the go. This has resulted in lower amounts of security systems. Meanwhile, PC operating systems have had 30 years of security buffing on their record and getting stronger every year. Smartphones and mobile operating systems however, have not.

Do companies have a responsibility to keep their consumers safe from cyber criminals? I don't know, I am no lawyer. However, have we not all seen advertisements in the past for PC operating systems, or web browsers claiming to have the best security or virus protection software free? I predict that it is not far off before smart phones and mobile platforms start to advertise the same way if this trend continues.

Green Apple? by Hakim Clark

It is indisputable that Apple has always been ahead of the IT pack, in regards to developing cutting edge technology. It seems as if every three months or so, Apple has figured out innovative ways to improve their products, such as the Ipod and Iphone, to make them more appealing to their consumers. Whether it is a new “App” for your mobile device or the addition of a camera on your Iphone for Skyping, Apple has been the leader among its competitors for improving their products. Although Apple has always been ahead of the curve as far as product innovation is concerned, Apple still ranks poorly among its competitors in regards to making sure that its offshore suppliers have established a safe, healthy, eco-friendly work production site.

China is one of the countries that contains a significant amount of Apple’s product suppliers; unfortunately, these supply chains also operate in conditions that are hazardous to not only their workers, but the environment as well. Individuals who have worked in these supply factories have been forced to work in health compromising conditions. A supplier to Apple, “United Win, allegedly substituted ethanol with a more harmful chemical for workers for cleaning touch screens without giving the workers proper protection, and was once fined 80,000 yuan by authorities for “hazardous waste transfer.” The Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE), a Beijing-based non-governmental organization, reported that, “IT giants including Apple, Motorola, IBM, Sony, Nokia and Cisco had violated standards, including for wastewater treatment and discharge of pollutants, and that as a result, thousands of tons of harmful heavy metals and arsenic were being discharged from the Pearl and Shenzhen Rivers to the sea. IPE compiled a database of suppliers, noting their alleged violations.

This savage, unethical, and environmentally irresponsible conduct has put Apple under the microscope, because it has not been enforcing their Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes, “monitoring programs, including factory audits, corrective action plans, and verification measures”. Apple has also been apprehensive and unresponsive as of late about disposing information concerning its offshore suppliers and their workers.